
The 5 Stages of Transformation of the Pilates Instructor: From Newbie to Expert


Pilates instructor course are constantly developing and evolving their teaching styles. While most instructors will develop their own style over time, there are also certain stages of transformation that can help guide them along the way. In this article, we’ll explore the five stages of transformation of the Pilate’s instructor from newbie to expert and explain how each stage happens so you can be aware of where you are in your own journey as an instructor!

Stage 1: “The Newbie”

The first stage of your Pilates journey is all about learning the basics. You’ve probably heard it a hundred times before, but it’s important to start slow. Begin with basic moves and gradually add on more advanced exercises over time. The goal here is not to set a world record for most push-ups in ten minutes (although if you manage that, congrats). Instead, take your time building strength and flexibility within the safe parameters of each exercise.

Don’t worry about making mistakes—everyone does! Be patient with yourself as you learn new skills; don’t be afraid to ask questions or seek advice from other instructors or friends who have been doing this workout for awhile.

Your plan may look something like this: go through each exercise once or twice before adding any extra repetitions or resistance; rest for 30 seconds between sets (or longer if needed); repeat 3-5 times per session until seeing progress then increase tempo/intensity as appropriate for future workouts

Stage 2: “The Chameleon”

You’re in the chameleon stage. In this stage, you are still learning and figuring out what your voice is. You may be teaching a variety of classes and techniques, but eventually, you’ll find your niche. This can take some time; it’s not uncommon for instructors to stay in this stage for years or even decades before finding their true calling as an instructor.

Stage 3: “The Expert”

Stage 3: The Expert

You’ve made it. You’re now an expert in your field, and you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. You know your audience, how to reach them and how they learn best. You’re confident in your ability to teach, having gone through all four stages of transformation. You know what you want, and how to get it—but most importantly: the journey doesn’t stop here!

As a Pilates instructor who has reached this stage of transformation (and especially if you are pursuing certification), it is important that you continue learning new things about Pilates through further study or practical application. This will help ensure that when someone asks for advice or recommendations on their own practice, they come back again and again for more advice from someone who knows their stuff!

Stage 4: “The Visionary”

As you are building your dream studio, you need to be able to see the big picture. This stage is all about seeing where you want to be so that you can make sure that your business is heading in that direction. You will have a vision for your students and for yourself as an instructor.

You may not know exactly what it looks like yet, but by having this vision in mind as you work towards creating the perfect Pilates studio, it makes every decision easier because it gives purpose behind each step along the way.

Stage 5: “The Teacher”

Once you’ve mastered the fundamental principles of Pilates, it’s time to start teaching. Teaching is a process of discovery. You can’t teach what you don’t know and misunderstand; similarly, if someone doesn’t learn from your class then it’s likely because they haven’t learned what you’re trying to teach them. Teaching is not just about delivering information—it’s also about connecting with people on an emotional level, creating an environment where they feel comfortable expressing themselves and learning from their own experience in the moment.

This means that all five stages of transformation are important for effective teaching: You must be able to understand the basics, connect them into a cohesive whole, experience their relevance toward improved health and well-being (and ultimately happiness), see this connection in yourself as well as others through observation and reflection on how students respond during classes, and finally be able to put yourself out there by sharing these insights through verbal instruction or demonstration at every opportunity possible within reason.”

Be aware of how you teach so you can develop your voice.

In order to develop your voice, it is important to be aware of how you teach so that you can strengthen your weaknesses and expand upon your strengths.

Always be honest with yourself about what works for the individual client and what does not. If a teacher does not know his or her own strengths, then he or she cannot effectively identify those of others. For example, if a client has trouble with balance and falls too easily during Pilates exercises, it would be helpful for this instructor to know that falling often happens when there is inadequate core strength or poor timing of muscle contraction (usually caused by lack of awareness). An instructor who understands these factors will be better able to help this person improve their performance in the future.

In addition, an instructor needs insight into his or her own teaching style in order to recognize any habits or qualities that may hinder his/her teaching effectiveness. For example: I noticed that when I taught Pilates classes where there were more than six students enrolled at once, my voice would get louder as I tried harder to communicate with everyone at once instead of focusing on individuals’ needs individually.”


We hope that by now you have a better idea of the stages of development when it comes to teaching pilates. Of course, there is no one way to teach—as we’ve seen throughout this article, there are many different ways for instructors to develop their voice and style. The important thing is that you find your own approach and stick with it. This will help keep your clients engaged and motivated, because they will feel like they are learning from someone who understands them personally rather than just another generic “pilates instructor.”