
How to Become a Better Artist by Improving Your Observation Skills

Observation is the basis for all art. You can’t draw or paint what you don’t know and you can’t know what you don’t pay attention to. It’s like music: you can’t play it if you don’t listen to it and you can’t listen to it if you don’t know what it sounds like. Concept boards has different perspective of the film base on my observation, it can be complex at times but really helpful to understand the story.

You probably want to be an artist because you have a strong visual imagination and a desire to convey meaning through images. Well, there’s no magic in that: everyone has a visual imagination and everyone has the capacity to create meaning in their work.

But this takes work! You have to be able to see accurately in order to draw or paint what you imagine, so the best way to get better at drawing is to pay closer attention than ever before.
Becoming an artist means developing your ability to perceive reality more clearly than most other people do, and then using your enhanced perception in your artwork. The following exercises will help you do just that.

You may be an artist because you have a strong visual imagination and a desire to convey meaning through images. Well, there’s no magic in that: everyone has a visual imagination and everyone has the capacity to create meaning in their work.

If you’re reading this, chances are that you want to become an artist. I’m here to tell you that there’s no magic in that either: everyone has a visual imagination and everyone has the capacity to create meaning in their work!

The best way to improve your drawing skills is to see more accurately and draw what you see around you. Use the following exercises to help you do this and watch your drawing skills improve!

You’ll never be good at drawing or painting what you don’t see, and you can’t see what you don’t pay attention to.

Art is the foundation upon which the world’s great artists stand. You can’t draw or paint without first observing your subject, and you can’t observe something if you don’t pay attention to it.

You’ve always been good at drawing and painting, but lately you seem to be stuck. You don’t know what’s wrong, but you know this: if you don’t find a way to solve your problems, you’ll eventually give up on your dream of becoming an artist.

You may be familiar with many of these exercises already. But now you are learning to do them consciously to develop awareness of basic visual ideas.

We all have a creative side. We all have the ability to be an artist.
What separates artists from the general public is that they have mastered the art of observation. Not necessarily in a literal sense, but they are able to observe everyday life and translate that into a visual display. As a result, their art reflects a story or a feeling in a way that is simple yet profound at the same time.

You don’t have to be a genius to be a great artist. In fact, I’d argue that it’s not as much about intelligence as it is about observation.

Unlike a lot of things in life, the best way to get better at art is simply to look at more art. You can learn a lot from books and videos, but if you really want to excel, you need to spend a lot of time with other artists’ work.

I can’t stress enough how important looking at art is. It’s hard for anyone to improve their abilities without putting in the time and effort necessary to do so. Even if you aren’t trying to be an artist for a living, there are simple ways you can make your life better by improving your own artistic skills.
I’ve found that the easiest way to get better at art is through self-reflection and practice using tools like observational sketches, drawing studies and other techniques. This process allows me to go out into the world and interact with my environment on an artistic level while continuously refining my technique. It took me years to develop this process, but once I did, I was able to dramatically improve my skills as an artist.